Www.facebook Italian public Museum: ticket reductions


Reduced tickets: discount for citizens of the EU aged 18 to 25 years of age.

Entitled to free admission are:

All visitors under 18 years old from all countries even if not Europen citizens.

- tour guides in the exercise of their professional activities (upon display of a valid licence issued by the competent authority)

- personnel of the Ministry for the Cultural Heritage and Activities

- ICOM members (International Council of Museums)

Note: On demonstration of belonging to an age group and/or disability group, ID will be requested. Where proof of what has been declared cannot occur, the visitor will be obliged to pay full price for the ticket.

All citizens with disabilities and the accompanying person who can demonstrate a medical certificate to testify disability will have the right to a free ticket.

Pay attention: the commission for online booking (from €3.50 to € 4.50), entitlement to reservation (from €3.00 to €3.50) and any supplements for temporary exhibitions in the museum is an amount that has to be paid, except for children under six years of age, people with disabilities and the accompanying person. 

We kindly ask not to include in the ticket request any communication regarding people with disabilities and the accompanying person, same for children under six years of age. In this case the ticket will not be necessary, same for the reservation and the free ticket.


How to choose the correct ticket

Half price ticket: for 18-24 year olds from the European Union.

Free ticket (reservation only)
All visitors under 18 years old from any country (children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
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Also book tickets for

Also book tickets for:



Call our staff for assistance, Monday-Friday, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm.
 numero telefono

The ticket price is composed of the entrance price (depends on the museum and on the ticket category), the pre-reservation (3,00/4,00 €), the booking online fee (2,00/4,00 €).