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Galleria Palatina Firenze

Palatine Gallery Ticket Reservation

Palatina Gallery at Palazzo Pitti
Cumulative ticket - This tickets also includes entrance to Modern Art Gallery, the Grandukes' Treasure (also known as Silver Museum and Fashion and Museum of Costume and Fashion. 

Address: Piazza Pitti - Firenze
Opening hours: from Tuesday to Sunday, from 8,15 am to 6,50 pm. Last entrance time 5,30 pm.

Closing: Mondays, 1st January, 1st May and Christmas day.
Entrance to the Palatine Gallery is allowed every 15 minutes. 
The fisrt Sunday of each month, entrance is free but tickets cannot be reserved in advance. 

Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

Palatine Gallery: located in the winter apartments of the Medici on the first floor of the Pitti Palace, the Galleria Palatina is a extraordinary example of a collection of paintings displayed according to the taste of great collectors of the past.
Masterpieces of famous artists of the Renaissance and of the Baroque period, as Raffaello, Tiziano, Rubens, Van Dijk, hang from the walls according to illogical aesthetic  principles: the paintings create an overwhelming and magnificent effect completed by the luxurious furnishing. In the rooms overlooking the square, destined to official ceremonies, the fresco and stucco decoration of the ceilings, created by the great baroque artist Pietro da Cortona, recalls the splendour of the Medici court during the Seicento.

Modern art Gallery: the collection of the  Museum, founded after the First World War, shows the development of Italian art between 1745 and 1945. The first rooms house great masterpieces of  the Neoclassical period and of its great sculptor Antonio Canova, followed by important expressions of the  Romantic age of the Ottocento,  the paintings by Hayez and Bezzuoli. The heart of the Gallery displays the collection of small picture, masterpieces by the Macchiaioli, Fattori, Lega, Borrani the revolutionary young artists who used to gather in Florence around the mid 19th century. The turn of the century is marked by members of new movements, the Post Macchiaioli Gioli and Ferroni,  the Italian pointillists Nomellini and Previati, the Symbolist Kienerk, up to the artworks displayed at the ‘Primaverile’ in 1922: this important exhibit showed  the trend of Florentine art of the beginning of the Novecento, looking back at the examples of great Italian art of the past.

The Royal Apartments in Palazzo Pitti

On the first floor of the south wing of Palazzo Pitti are the Royal Apartments, a sumptuous complex of imposing rooms fit to receive kings and queens. The apartments are richly decorated with frescoes by various famous artists and were furnished by the Medici, and later added to, and rearranged by the royal famiglie who succeded them; first the House of Lorraine and then the House of Savoy. The first successor to the Medici completely renovated the rooms in the neo-classic style and added new furniture and works of art.

palazzo pitti royal apartments
All the ceilings were finished in gold and white stucco, and the walls were decorated with rich tapestries. In 1865-71, when Italy was unified, the House of savoy succeded the House of Lorraine and filled these rooms with paintings, tapestries and other works from other royal palaces, such as those of Parma and Lucca. The rooms of note are: the Red Throne Room with Lorraine and Savoyard furniture and large Chinese and Japanese vases, the Parrot Room so called for the birds depicted in the precious tapestries, but which are in fact pheasants, the Queen Margherita Apartments with the tapestry made by Gobelins of Paris, representing the HUnts of Louis XV, the Tapestry Apartment frescoed by Alessandro Allori, and the Rooms of Charity, Prudence, Hope and Temperance.

Palazzo Pitti reservation

For a quieter, less chaotic experience of the beauty of Florence, the Pitti Palace has some of the most ornamental and decadent interior of any Florentine building. Therefore we suggest you to get a Palazzo Pitti reservation. Along with the palace, strolling through the Boboli Gardens is a must.

Palazzo Pitti online reservation

You could spend hours in the gardens with everything there is to admire. It is a nice getaway from the crowds, and with its spectacular view of the city, Palazzo Pitti is sure to impress. Book online a Palazzo Pitti reservation and begin you visit. It is a visit you cannot avoid to do as Palazzo Pitti had so much importance in Florence’s history. This was the residence of Medici family, which they organize and adorn as they wished. After the Medici family it was the residence of every important family that controlled and reigned over Florence and its territories, as the king Umberto II di Savoia, in most recent times. Do not miss this important residence, book now a Palazzo Pitti reservation.

Palazzo Pitti no line reservation

Inside Palazzo Pitti you will find the Palatine Gallery. The exhibition follows attentively the wishes of Leopoldo II of Asburgo-Lorena, Grand Duke of Tuscany. Also this Duke of course had his residence in Palazzo Pitti and Tuscan is really grateful to this Duke that did important reforms in many fields of the Granducato. These rich and important families loved to be encircled with works of art that Florence with its artists fully provided. It was Leopoldo di Lorena that organized the works of art in the city dividing them in ancient sculptures and paintings, which he sent to Uffizi Gallery, and the more recent to Palatine Gallery, which you can see with the Palazzo Pitti reservation. Palazzo Pitti reservation gives you the chance to see attentively the museum and the palace. 


How to choose the correct ticket

Half price ticket: for 18-24 year olds from the European Union.

Free ticket (reservation only)
All visitors under 18 years old from any country (children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
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Call our staff for assistance, Monday-Friday, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm.
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The ticket price is composed of the entrance price (depends on the museum and on the ticket category), the pre-reservation (3,00/4,00 €), the booking online fee (2,00/4,00 €).