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Guided tour aimed at the discovery of the Medici Chapels, burial place of the Medici family.

Tour peculiarities:
Duration: 3 hours

Availability: every day with the exception of Monday and Sunday.
Days off of the museum: Mondays, 25th of December, 1st of January and 1st of May.

The visitable parts of the Medici Chapels are the New Sacristy and the Princes Chapel. Right after the entrance the visitor will find the crypt, on which floor there are tombs of the grand dukes and the wives. From two staircases the visitor enters in the Princes Chapel, an amazing family mausoleum in baroque style.
The New Sacristy is the funeral chapel of Pope Leone X (from Medici family) that entrusted Michelangelo for the work.
By modifying the original map of the New Sacristy made by Brunelleschi, Michelangelo proved again his talent as architect and sculptor.  
On the sidewalls the visitor can admire the monumental tombs dedicated to Giuliano Duke of Nemours and the nephew Lorenzo Duke of Urbino. The sepulchres illustrate the Allegories of Time: Day and Night for Giuliano de’ Medici and Sunset and Dawn for the nephew Lorenzo.
Then, Michelangelo left Florence leaving the work unfinished: Lorenzo il Magnifico is in fact buried under the altar but without the monumental entombment. 
After the entrance the visitor will find the crypt, on which floor there are tombs of the grand dukes and the wives. From two staircases the visitor enters in the Princes Chapel, an amazing family mausoleum in baroque style.
The New Sacristy is the funeral chapel of Pope Leone X (from Medici family) that entrusted Michelangelo for the work.
By modifying the original map of the New Sacristy made by Brunelleschi, Michelangelo proved again his talent as architect and sculptor.  
On the sidewalls the visitor can admire the monumental tombs dedicated to Giuliano Duke of Nemours and the nephew Lorenzo Duke of Urbino. The sepulchres illustrate the Allegories of Time: Day and Night for Giuliano de’ Medici and Sunset and Dawn for the nephew Lorenzo.
Then, Michelangelo left Florence leaving the work unfinished: Lorenzo il Magnifico is in fact buried under the altar but without the monumental entombment.


Our guides

Italy Travels tour guides staff is represented by licensed guides of great experience and high level of professionalism, competence and excellence on their job. All Italy Travels guides are authorized by the provincial administration of Florence and most of them are art historians and teachers in art subjects.

All private tours organized by Italy Travels always include pre-reserved museum tickets when museum tours are included in the tour itinerary. In this way visitors avoid waisting time waiting in line in front of museums ticket offices.

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Call our staff for assistance, Monday-Friday, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm.
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Vasari Corridor Tour

The Vasari Corridor in Florence is a must-see museum for those who want to have an extraordinary experience visiting Florence.
The Vasari Corridor is an hidden, indoor path built by Vasari in 1565 which connects Palazzo Vecchio with the Uffizi Palace and Palazzo Pitti. Visitors can have access to the Vasari Corridor booking a Vasari Corridor special guided tour as to enter the Vasari Corridor visitors must be accompanied by a licensed guide.