Raphael born Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (April 6 1483 – April 6 1520) was an Italian Renaissance painter and architect. His father Giovanni Santi who was a painter, taught Raphael basi painting techniques and exposed him to the principles of humanistic philosophy. Raphael took over his father’s workshop after he died. His paintings where greatly influenced by Italian painters like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. Raphael was invited by Pope Julius II to paint the Pope’s private apartments, when he was only 25 years. The rooms which are now known as Raphael’s Rooms in the Vatican Palace. Some of his works include the Sistine Madonna, the School of Anthens, the Sistin Madonna, the Fornarina and the Transfiguration unfinished at his death.

The rooms are the Hall of Constantine, Room of Heliodorus, Room of the Signatura and the Room of the Fire in the Borgo.
The Room of Constantine which is the largest of twelve rooms was painted by Raphael’s students with the drawings by the artist after he died before completing his work. The paintings include the Baptism of Constantine, the Vision of the cross and the Battle of the Milvian Bridge. The next room is the Room of Heliodorus which Raphael painted himself. It focuses mostly on Raphael’s client and his predecessors with scenes portraying the victories and excellency of various Popes including Jullius II. The paintings include the Mass at Bolsena, the Expulsion of Heliodurus from the temple, the meeting of Leo the Great and Attila and the Deliverance of Saint Peter. Room of the Signatura was the first to be decorated by Raphael. He painted his most loved work, the beautiful Disputation of the Holy Sacrament, The School of Athens, The Pamassus and the Cardinal Virtues. The fourth room is Room of the Fire in the Borgo. The frescos paints events from the lives of Pope Leo III and Leo IV. It was based on Raphaels mature designs but painted by his assistants. The paintings included Battle of Ostia, The Fire in Borgo, The Coronation of Charlemagne and The Oath of Leo.
When visiting Vatican city make sure to see Raphael Rooms. Although Raphael’s career as a painter was short he made a huge impact on Italy’s most significant age of art.
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