Exposition The Rigour and the Grace at the Boboli Garden
At the Boboli Garden, in the hall annexed to the Palatine Chapel, from the 22nd of October 2015 to the 17th of October 2016 it is possible to see the treasure of the religious company of San Benedetto, influential in the 17th century in Florence. The exposition gives the chance to see the Palatine Chapel and the rooms annexed, restored for the occasion.

Tickets for the exposition The Rigour and the Grace at the Boboli Garden
The exposition The Rigour and the Grace at the Boboli Garden comprehends works of art that results new to the public, as they have been never exposed. They all belonged to the company of San Benedetto Bianco, that during the 17th century decided to make their oratory and domicile more sumptuous. Many of the members were artists, but it also happened that the works of art were commissioned to artists of that time, and this is the case of eight canvas with biblical subject, commissioned from the friar Gabriello Zuti. All the canvas are of high value, as Cristofano Allori’s work, that we can see today after a long restoration aimed to cancel the damages that the floating of 1966 caused. Another reason to visit the Exposition The Rigour and the Grace at the Boboli Garden.
No line ticket for the exposition The Rigour and the Grace at the Boboli Garden
The subject of the painting exposed at the Exposition The Rigour and the Grace at at the Boboli Garden are obviously religious subject. The willing of San Benedetto company wanted to get close to Christ’s sacrifice, the target point that they tried to reach through a long path of sacrifices and often also with self-flagellation. As a result, they had to remember in every moment of their daily life the suffering of the Passion of Christ. This is exactly the point of the works that they painted or that they commissioned: most of them portray a suffering Christ on the cross or in other moments of the Via Crucis. Book online a no line ticket for the Exposition The Rigour and the Grace at the Boboli Garden.
For any further information visit www.ticketsflorence.com and book your visit for Boboli Garden.