If you’re looking to truly experience the magic of the Colosseum, make your tour of the ancient Roman amphitheater a little different by visiting at night when the crowds have gone in and the stars have come out to illuminate the grand stadium.Visiting the historical structure by the light of the moon is something that not all people can say they have done, so this tour offers a unique experience.

Completed in 80 AD, the Colosseum is considered one of the greatest architectural accomplishments of the Roman Empire. It was commonly used to host gladiator events, so you can imagine the excitement and energy that filled the stands so many years ago. On the tour, your professional guide will walk you through the amphitheater and will highlight the most important historical areas of the building.
Not only will you be able to view the arena, but you can also explore underneath the structures and see the Hypogeum, an area used to hole the gladiators and animals before and during events. Recently reconstructed in 2010, entrance to the Colosseum is difficult with out booking a pre-reserved ticket, this tour under the stars is not something you want to miss out on.
The “Colosseum Under the Moon” tour is available Thursdays and Saturdays only, from May 5 to October 6. Tours are offered in English and they run between 8:30 pm and 10:00 pm, lasting 1 hour and 15 minutes.
If you are interested in visiting the Colosseum at night, please contact ItalyTravels to speak with a tour operator specialized in cultural events by calling (+0039) 055 2670402 or via email at info@italy-travels.it.
For more information, visit our website at http://www.museumsrome.com and www.ticketsrome.com.