Looking for a peaceful residence outside of the city is not a prerogative of today’s life. In 118 d.c. the emperor Adriano had the same desire, and ordered the construction of Villa Adriana, a huge complex that occupied at least 120 hectares.

The works for Villa Adriana ended in 138 d.c., the building grounded on a fabulous territory, a very green area full of fresh springs.
Literature has described us Adriano as a man who loved the fine art of architecture, and this is clearly visible in Villa Adriana: the complex differentiates itself from the building of the town, that followed a different style.
The visitable area of the Villa covers an area of 40 hectares, where the visitor finds residential houses, baths, pavilions, statues, pools and gardens, and everything follows an unique rhythm of distribution, very different from others imperial villas.
Roman ideas and inventiveness about architecture is well known, and Villa Adriana is not an exception: all the above areas were united in a underground net suitable for carriages as well as people.
The beauty of this area was recognised also during the Renaissance, when frescos and statues were brought to the cities, and successively made part of today’s museums.
Villa Adriana has been declared UNESCO world heritage from 1999, and it totally deserves a visit.
You can visit Villa Adriana every day from 9:00 a.m to 17:00 a.m, and your first step to visit it is www.ticketsrome.com . From our site on, the door of Villa Adriana is open to you.