- Part 16

Il Colosseo ospita una nuova mostra intitolata “Costantino 313 d.c.”

Il Colosseo ospita da oggi- 11 aprile 2013- una nuova mostra dal titolo “Costantino 313 d.c.”. Fino al 15 settembre potrete ammirare più di centosessanta reperti provenienti da tutta Europa. Con l’occasione si celebra l’anniversario dell’Editto di Milano del 313 d.c. con il quale l’Impero si dichiarò tollerante e neutrale nei confronti delle altre fedi […]

“Manet: Return to Venice” shows a significant connection to Italian art

This spring, the Doge’s Palace will be home to the extraordinary exhibition of French painter Edouard Manet. One of the first 19th-century artists to approach modern and postmodern-life subjects, he played an important role in the transition from Realism to Impressionism. He spent  many intensive years studying in Italy, but there has been little significance […]

Apertura Straordinaria della Galleria degli Uffizi di Firenze il 26 maggio 2013

La Galleria degli Uffizi, per la prima volta nella storia, resterà eccezionalmente aperta il 26 maggio 2013 fino all’1:30 del mattino, con ultimo ingresso all’1:00 del 27 maggio. Il direttore del Museo Antonio Natali e la Soprintendente per il Polo Museale Fiorentino Cristina Acidini hanno stabilito questa apertura straordinaria, gratuita e notturna, per commemorare la […]

Uffizi Gallery will be home to “Norma e Capriccio”

This year through out Florence, many well-known museums will be home to a series of exhibitions called “Florence 2013: A Year in Art.” This program includes eight temporary exhibits that will increase the rich cultural offerings of this beautiful city, beginning in the spring of 2013 and running throught he end of the year. The […]

Get an exclusive look at the Doge’s Palace with the Secret Itineraries Tour

A masterpiece of Gothic architecture, the Doge’s Palace was the heart of the political life and public administration of the Venice. Over a period of political turn-overs, the area was occupied by various administrative offices and the palace housed many important cultural institutions. Today, it is managed as a public museum where you can revisit […]

Experience the essence of Renaissance art with Botticelli at the Uffizi Gallery

Undoubtedly one of the most famous attractions in Florence, the Uffizi Gallery was established by the Medici family in 1581. The gallery was originally the offices for the high-ranking magistrates, how ever the Medici art collection was rapidly growing and the space was instead used as a space to house the many priceless masterpieces. The […]

Hidden secrets of the Colosseum unlocked by group tours

Walking around the Colosseum is a breathtaking experience and one of the best things to do while visiting Rome. The ancient Roman amphitheather draws in millions of visitors a year and creates a historical trip back in time through the ability to completely interact with the structure and its well-preserved elements. A view from the […]